
First, you have to tell us if you wish to run and maintain an authoritative DNS server (meaning a server propagating authoritative information about your domain names), or a recursive caching nameserver (a DNS server performing recursive queries on behalf of other client devices [phones, laptops, web servers, mail servers, workstations]) that cannot or should not resolve these queries by themselves.

These two functions are radically different, have different requirements on hardware and bandwidth, and are really best kept separate because mixing them up causes all kinds of problems. If you want do do both, you should dedicate separate machines for the purpose.

Please also note that if you want to run authoritative DNS servers, you need at least two, preferably in geografically diverse locations and different ip ranges (so that one disaster does not wipe your domain names out of existence). Some ISPs or hosting companies provide a service called "slave DNS", though, allowing you to run a primary authoritative server (master), and use their server as a secondary authoritative server (slave).

S pozdravem,
Daniel Ryšlink
System Administrator

Dial Telecom a. s.
Křižíkova 36a/237
186 00 Praha 3, Česká Republika
Dial Telecom, a.s.
Jednoduše se připojte

On 01/30/2015 08:35 AM, Chandran Manikandan wrote:
Dear All,

I have email,web and FTP server hosting on our in house with public ip on
Centos 6 on our own server. But email,web,ftp dns hosting with other third
party service provider. I have enough public ip to host dns server for our
own. So what are the requirements to host dns server and how to setup.

Could anyone guide me.

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