The package is “bind” not “named”.   The daemon is called “named”.   You can 
type “rpm –qf $(which named)” to determine which package installed that daemon. 
  (Likely it was bind.)

Also if you’re running the chroot’ed version you’d want the package 

I’d suggest you run “rpm –qa |grep –i bind” to see what BIND packages you have 
installed.   Note you should ignore things like “ypbind” if installed as that 
is part of NIS rather than BIND.

You can then do “yum list <package>” against packages to see if there are newer 
versions without installing them.

e.g.  if you saw things like bind-libs, bind-utils, bind, system-config-bind, 
bind-chroot in the output of “rpm –qa” (it will also show version on these)

Do “yum list bind-libs bind-utils bind system-config-bind bind-chroot” which 
will show you both the installed versions you have and the latest available 
packages for update in the repository.

Ideally you have more than one DNS server and would only update one, test it to 
be sure everything is working, then update the next one.

[] On Behalf Of Sundram Bharti
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 10:17 AM
Subject: Request to provide procedure for bind upgrade

Hi Team,

My DNS current version is "BIND 9.8.4-P1" and OS is "Fedora Core release 6 

So could you let me know.

"yum update named" works for upgrade to current version, if yes then what will 
be the fall back procedure of upgrade fails?



Sundram Bharti

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