
i try to configure local proxy views based authoritative DNS server.

clients PC (dns server x.x.x.x) --------------------------------
local GW ---------- ISP
                                                 local dns proxy server

do iptables redirect dns port(53) to local for local proxy.

In local dns proxy server internal view config is...,

view "internal" {
  match-clients { acl internal; };
  recursion yes;

   zone "."  {
        type hint;
        file "named.ca";
    zone "test.com" {
         type master;
         file "db.test";

In this situation,
if incoming query is "example.com" then queries will going to root dns

but i want to send query to clients original dns server instead of root ns.
(if client pc DNS server set, i want to send instead
of root dns servers)
(i can't use forward / forwarders options because clinets PC DNS
server setting is different each other,
therfore cannot fix forward ip address.)

Is there some way to solve the situation?
(bind have forward option original destinaion automacally?)

(I feel sorry... that i have poor english skills...)
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