Hi all,

I am struggling with weird behaviour of bind9 acting as authenticating
resolver, when querying DNSSEC enabled domains that are using DLV. My
registrar is still unable to sign DS records.

Everything works fine if only "dnssec-lookaside auto" option is set in
the resolver's named.conf.options file. When running "dig +dnssec
domain.tld", I get a correct answer with the "ad" flag set.

But after enabling "dnssec-must-be-secure domain.tld", the lookup fails
with lots of error messages in the log saying DNSKEY lookup failed for

Then I added the domain.tld's key (the KSK) into the named.conf.options
file, in a "trusted-keys" section. Then, the lookups succeed again, with
"ad" flag set.

I wonder what happens here.

Can it be the case, that DLV generally works, but not for domains listed
in "dnssec-must-be-secure" statements?

I am running bind 9.8.4 on Debian.



Robert Senger <robert.sen...@microscopium.de>
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 24E78B5E

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