On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Barry Margolin <bar...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> In article <mailman.1867.1427927445.26362.bind-us...@lists.isc.org>,
>>  Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a number of slave domains that I would like a naming scheme and
>>> not have to go to each and change the filename.
>>> I have the following zones
>>> zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "2.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "3.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "4.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "5.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "6.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "7.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "8.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "9.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> zone "10.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>>>         include "named.slave";
>>> };
>>> named.slave looks as follows
>>> type slave;
>>> masters {;};
>>> file "data/db.@.slave";
>>> It appears to work on my queries.
>>> nslookup
>>>      name = pdc.<domain>
>>> nslookup
>>>      name = gw1.<domain>
>>> nslookup
>>>      name = gw2.<domain>
>>> the only file created in my data directory seems to be db.@.slave
>>> with the at sign.
>> Why would you expect anything different? @ only has special meaning
>> inside zone files, it's not special in named.conf.
>>> Do I really need to have each zone with its own file?
>> Yes, you do. What's happening is that every time one of the reverse
>> zones is transferred, it's overwriting that file. But the files are only
>> used when initializing the zones when named starts up; you get the
>> correct answers because the in-memory versions of the zones are
>> distinct. But try restarting named and then see what happens when you do
>> those nslookups. You'll see that and both return
>> the same name.
>>> Is there a special syntax to get what I expect?
>>> expected files:
>>> data/db.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa.slave
>>> data/db.2.168.192.in-addr.arpa.slave
>>> data/db.3.168.192.in-addr.arpa.slave
>>> ...
>>> data/db.10.168.192.in-addr.arpa.slave
>>> if not I can have Make do it and build some scripts to do what I want
>>> but if there is syntax to do what I want it would be nice.
>> No, there's no built-in syntax to create the filename based on the zone
>> name.
> I wrote a php script to build my file for me
> <?php
> $myslave=array('type'=>'slave'
> ,'masters'=>array('')
> ,'autofile'=>'data/db.@.slave');
> $arpa192='.168.192.in-addr.arpa';
> $domain='<domain>';
> $zone['_msdcs.'.$domain]=$myslave;
> $zone[$domain]=$myslave;
> $slavedsubnets=range('1','10');
> build_subnets($slavedsubnets
> ,$arpa192
> ,$myslave);
> build_zones();
> function build_subnets($subnets
> ,$net
> ,$info)
> {global $zone;
>  foreach($subnets as $subnet)
>  {$zone[$subnet.$net]=$info;
> }}
> function build_zones()
> {global $zone,$argv;
>  $pounds=str_repeat('#',30);
>  $warning=$pounds.' WARNING '.$pounds."\n";
>  echo $warning. '# Do not edit this file. '.
>       'It was generated using "php '.
>       $argv[0]."\"\n".$warning;
>  foreach($zone as $z=>$infos)
>  {echo 'zone "'.$z.'" {'."\n";
>   foreach($infos as $item=>$value)
>   {echo "\t".$item.' ';
>    if(is_array($value))
>    {echo '{';
>     foreach($value as $v){echo $v.';';}
>     echo '}';
>    }
>    else
>    {switch($item)
>     {case 'file': echo '"'.$value.'"'; break;
>      case 'autofile': echo '"'.
>            str_replace('@',$z,$value).'"';
>      break;
>      default: echo $value; break;
>    }}
>    echo ";\n";
>   }
>   echo "};\n";
> }}
> ?>

correction I forgot I left autofile in there






function build_subnets($subnets
{global $zone;
 foreach($subnets as $subnet)

function build_zones()
{global $zone,$argv;
 $warning=$pounds.' WARNING '.$pounds."\n";
 echo $warning. '# Do not edit this file. '.
      'It was generated using "php '.
 foreach($zone as $z=>$infos)
 {echo 'zone "'.$z.'" {'."\n";
  foreach($infos as $item=>$value)
   {echo "\t".$item.' ';
    echo '{';
    foreach($value as $v){echo $v.';';}
    echo '}';
    {case 'file': echo "\t".$item.' ';
           echo '"'.$value.'"'; break;
     case 'autofile': echo "\tfile ";
           echo '"'.str_replace('@',$z,$value).'"';
     default: echo "\t".$item.' ';
           echo $value; break;
   echo ";\n";
  echo "};\n";

>> --
>> Barry Margolin
>> Arlington, MA
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