Was going thru some old messages, and came across this one about generating the ARM doc as HTML.

Just wondering if anything ever became of it?

Jerry Kemp

On 11/20/13 03:43 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 03:27:59PM -0600, /dev/rob0 wrote:
Looking at the HTML source for the Table of Contents, it seems like
someone had this idea before but didn't follow through. There are
numerous links to plain-language anchors amidst mostly the
"id25xxxxx" anchor names. (These probably had something to do with
the "DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.71.1" generator.)

Note that the HTML isn't the source, it's generated from
doc/arm/Bv9ARM-book.xml and from the various ".docbook" files
throughout the source tree.

I might try to work on this myself, but I thought I should toss the
idea out for comments and suggestions first. Specifically, I suppose
that whatever work that is done should be compatible with the DocBook
source and other BIND9-ARM formats.

We'd certainly be glad to have help with it.

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