Wow, you gave me a very nice tip Rob.
Now Im really interested in getting json format.
I will begin by updating to 9.10

On 04/08/15 16:38, /dev/rob0 wrote:
On Tue, Aug 04, 2015 at 04:01:56PM -0300, Leandro wrote:
Hello , guys , im thinking about getting my bind statistics
on cacti. Im looking for some parser script but so far I can
not get anyone for my version, witch is 9.8.
I guess by "named_stats", you mean the file which is written for
"rndc stats".  (By default that's called "named.stats" and found
inside the directory specified in your named.conf(5) options.)

I'd recommend against that. It's a relic of the past. Consider instead the statistics-channels statement: Consider also moving to a supported BIND version. In particular, BIND 9.10 might be of interest, with upgraded statistics-channels functionality:
Is something around there ? ....
If not .... I will need to deploy by my self ... then of
course will share it.
There too, if you're doing things the old way on abandoned old
software versions, I wouldn't expect to find much interest.

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