Am 03.09.2015 um 19:45 schrieb Leandro:
Dear All:
While installing bind still have not clear some issues:
Im using Centos 6.6 since Im not very comfortable with Centos7 yet.

My final goal is to get an updated and stable version and also use json
format for the statistics channel.

1) Some bind users recommended to get at least a 9.10 release but:
Using yum and repos, founded that 9.8 is available for Centos 6.6.
Also , Centos recommend not to build from source when possible

the whole purpose why you are using CentOS / RHEL is long-time-support and get critical bugfixes without major changes and compatibility break, not just for named, for any installed software

"some people recommend" is not a strong reason for breaking that without any concrete issue

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