On Oct 5, 2015, at 11:51 PM, Harshith Mulky <harshith.mu...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Let us say we are having a FQDN and we need to Resolve it. It goes through 
> the procedure of determining the IP and Port using NAPTR/SRV/A query 
> mechanisms
> The question I have is if I have a FQDN with a Port Number already 
> determined, will it go through the Procedure of NAPTR/SRV/A query (or) simply 
> do a A query (or) Is this left to the client to apply the Logic?

The client must supply the logic. DNS is conceptually a simple database service 
— ask a question, get an answer. The logic of using NAPTR records, SRV records, 
A records, AAAA records, and CNAME records is mostly handled by the client. 
(CNAME and DNAME records are the primary exception, triggering extra processing 
on the recursive name server.)

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