Yes you can run without the chroot.  Years ago it was considered best practice 
to chroot and most power users would have said you were insane not to do so.  
Now there are increasingly many who say it's not worth the effort (fairly easy 
to get around in many cases) -- do a bit of google engineering and you will see 

If you are using packages from your distro (looks like it from the "el6" and 
ancient version) this will often just be pulled in by default.  If you build 
your own packages, use upstream repos, ISC packages or something like this:

Then you can just install without the chroot.  Entirely up to you, BIND can 
work either way.  As I said, if you search a bit you'll find older "best 
practices" like these which suggest chroot (note the dates!):

Then increasing amounts of documentation saying it is largely irrelevant due to 
adding minimal value due to some known issues in the chroot mechanism itself, 
named -u, etc:

If following the preceding advice (running BIND as an unprivileged user on a 
dedicated server) chrooting is "de-emphasized." Our operations experts feel 
that chrooting does not substantially improve security under those conditions 
and do not affirmatively recommend it, but they do not explicitly discourage it.

<<>> on 
behalf of Harshith Mulky 
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 1:46 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: What is the use of having a chroot path during installation of Bind


When installing bind, the following 2 are installed


What is the need of this bind-chroot?

I see all files in /var/named path are softlinks to /var/named/chroot/var/named


/etc/named.conf is softlink to /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf

What is this chroot binding? And why is this chroot Binding Required?

Can the named server function without this chroot Binding?


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