On Jan 16, 2016, at 9:33 PM, David Li <dlipub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to BIND. I am researching for a DNS server that can meet a
> list of requirements to be used in  a distributed system. They are:
> 1. Security (DNSSEC)
> 2. High Availability (HA)
> 3. Service Discovery (DNS-SD)

Hello David,

I think you’ll find 1 and 3 are easy to find. For 2, it depends on what you 
mean. Tony Finch has already given you several excellent options covering most 
of the use cases.

The one thing that is most difficult is HA for the primary master name server, 
which is the target for dynamic updates and is therefore fairly important; even 
a few minutes of downtime of this server might cause outages for DHCP service, 
for example. There are several commercial offerings that include this sort of 
HA. I work for one of these vendors, BlueCat.

Chris Buxton
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