On 21.02.16 19:07, blrmaani wrote:
the cache dump also has this entry (myname.mydomain.com is name I am interested 

myname.mydomain.com  10324   \-ANY   ;-$NXDOMAIN

Which probably means if anyone requests for myname.mydomain.com, they will be 
handed NXDOMAIN for upto 10324 seconds from now..

doesn't the log also contain info where did that message come from?

Our current work around is to restart named (which cache) or we could do a 
'rndc flush'.

"rndc flushname myname.mydomain.com" should be enough - not needed to flush
whole cache.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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