On 24/02/2016 09:13, Mathew Ian Eis wrote:

> Hi BIND, 
> I've encountered (quite by accident) an interesting behavior in BIND with 
> wildcard domains: 
> The relevant configuration is a zone; e.g. bar.com, with what I'll call a 
> "second level" wildcard host, e.g. *.foo.bar.com A in that zone. 
> (as opposed to what might be considered the more usual wildcard host record 
> of *.bar.com). 
> buz.foo.bar.com returns A as expected. 
> However, a query for foo.bar.com returns NOERR with zero results, when I 
> would expect a NXDOMAIN. 
> Anyone know if the NOERR with zero results is the expected / correct 
> behavior? 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Mathew Eis 
> Northern Arizona University 
> Information Technology Services

It's expected, since its a *  "." foo... 
you are asking for anything thast dot foo, your not asking for foo 


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