I'm doing an nsupdate to a remote server from my desktop

        cat nsupdate.txt
         server ns01.example.com
         debug yes
         zone example.net.
         update add test.example.net. 500 in TXT "TEST STRING"

        nsupdate -k ./jason-key ./nsupdate.txt

On the nameserver, logs show what appears to be 'success',

        Apr 24 11:47:07 ns01 named[23053]: 24-Apr-2016 11:47:07.949 
update-security: info: client jason-key: view internal: 
signer "jason-key" approved
        Apr 24 11:47:08 ns01 named[23053]: 24-Apr-2016 11:47:07.949 update: 
info: client jason-key: view internal: updating zone 
'example.net/IN': adding an RR at 'test.example.net' TXT "TEST STRING"

checking with dig, it's NOT in 'TXT' where I expected it

        dig TXT example.net +short

instead it's in 'AXFR'

        dig AXFR example.net

        ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4 <<>> AXFR example.net
                ;; global options: +cmd
                example.net.             5       IN      SOA     
ns01.example.com. ns-admin.example.com. 1461435298 7200 1800 604800 5
                example.net.             5       IN      NS      
                example.net.             5       IN      A
                test.example.net. 500 IN      TXT     "TEST STRING"
                example.net.             5       IN      SOA     
ns01.example.com. ns-admin.example.com. 1461435298 7200 1800 604800 5
                ;; Query time: 1 msec
                ;; SERVER:
                ;; WHEN: Sun Apr 24 11:48:58 PDT 2016
                ;; XFR size: 5 records (messages 1, bytes 213)

The journal HAS been modified

        cd <named chroot>
        grep -rlni acme .

After a bind restart, which iiuc is supposed to flush the journal to files,

        systemctl stop  named.service
        systemctl start named.service

checking with dig, the update's missing

        dig AXFR example.net

                ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4 <<>> AXFR example.net
                ;; global options: +cmd
                example.net.             5       IN      SOA     
ns01.example.com. ns-admin.example.com. 1461435297 7200 1800 604800 5
                example.net.             5       IN      NS      
                example.net.             5       IN      A
                example.net.             5       IN      SOA     
ns01.example.com. ns-admin.example.com. 1461435297 7200 1800 604800 5
                ;; Query time: 2829 msec
                ;; SERVER:
                ;; WHEN: Sun Apr 24 11:52:32 PDT 2016
                ;; XFR size: 4 records (messages 1, bytes 178)

        cd <named chroot>
        grep -rlni acme .

What am I failing to do to make this update persistent across flush/restart, as 

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