Hi Bert,
On 9 May 2016 at 17:11:54, bert hubert (bert.hub...@netherlabs.nl) wrote:

On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 04:38:13PM +0200, Nico CARTRON wrote: 
> I was wondering whether some folks on the mailing list had a look at the ECS 
> implementation in BIND 9.11, 
> and if they had any feedback to share? 

Perhaps you should tell us how it works for you, what your testing has 
found, and contribute to the development of great open source software? 
well, I am just starting the tests now, so cannot tell - yet :)

I will definitely report once I have progressed, but in the meantime, any 
feedback from others would be appreciated.

BTW Bert, does PowerDNS support it? ;)
I saw (https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/issues/573) that’s it’s on git master, 
does that mean it’s publicly available?



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