On 18.07.16 13:59, Harshith Mulky wrote:
I had a query on how the following Records can be ordered on how the Records 
are configured in the Zone file

I have done 2 different Tests

I have configured following records in the Zone file e164enum.net with TTL 
value as 0 IN NAPTR 100 10 "u" "E2U+sip" 
"!^.*$!sip:7895673...@atlanta.com;user=phone!" . IN NAPTR 100 10 "u" "E2U+sip" 
"!^.*$!sip:7895673...@atlanta.com;user=phone!" .

Since I did not want the Answers to be toggled in each susbsequent digs, and I 
wanted the Answers to be in the same Order they were configured in the Zone 
file(since the Order and Preference of both these records were same), I enabled 
this line in the options field of named.conf
rrset-order {order fixed;};
and restarted named

I ran the dig query again

This time, the Answers did not toggle, but I found that, the second configured 
RR was being Answered as first always sip:7895673...@atlanta.com

Why is Bind answering the Second RR as first and not my original First RR as 
1st Answer?

the order provided applies only for your bind instance - any other
nameserver can change the order.

why don't you use higher order if you want to have them in order?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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