On 26.07.16 00:27, blrmaani wrote:
Sorry for not being clear. Our DNS server scrapes entries from a database
and creates a DNS zone entries.  Our DNS server is configured as a DNS
master i.e type=master in BIND config for this zone.

The database is the source of truth for DNS hosts which are in multiple
locations and we do not want to modify per resource-record TTL value in
the database since it impacts all locations.

Our DNS server needs to customized such that TTL values for few 'special'
records needs to be customized.

How do I modify per resource-record TTL on our DNS master?

since all resource records have their own TTL, you can simply give those
you want lover TTL than the others.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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