
I'm seeing some odd problems where BIND (9.10.4-P2) has issues resolving getsurfed.com. This is when using the "510 Software Group" BIND 9.10 for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora.

I can do manual lookups of the domain with "dig" and point it to their servers (dns0.getsurfed.com, dns1.getsurfed.com) but it fails for me if I go through my BIND installation.

The named.run log contains lines like this:

16-Aug-2016 10:48:40.693 lame-servers: info: 17 unexpected RCODE resolving 'dryfire.com/NS/IN': 16-Aug-2016 10:48:40.749 lame-servers: info: 17 unexpected RCODE resolving 'dryfire.com/NS/IN':

A search for "17 unexpected RCODE" seems to indicate this might be caused by incompatibility between SIT/DNS cookies and older versions of NSD. Is this also what's happening in my case here?

Eivind Olsen
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