On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 02:32:42PM -0400, Paul Kosinski wrote:
> Currently, I forward all outbound DNS via the DSL to the ISP's
> DNS servers. (I have more confidence in the DSL provider not 
> interfering with DNS than in Comcast.)

FWIW, it has been many years since I have dealt with Comcast as a 
customer, but I can tell you for sure that Comcast employs some very 
clueful DNS experts.

> However, there have been a couple of cases recently when the DSL 
> was not getting beyond their gateway router, which meant that DNS 
> would fail, causing much HTTP(S) to fail even though the cable 
> network was working quite nicely.
> So my question is, is it possible to configure my forwarding BIND 
> to have a primary and *secondary* path for sending out DNS queries?

Your better bet is surely to dump the forwarders and to do your own 
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