File names? The file name is up to you. How you reference it in your DNS server is something else. That depends on your name server software.

As far as question 2, depends on if the reverse zones were delegated to you or not. It depends on your ISP. Many do not delegate reverse lookup zones to the end user. In that case, you have to ask them to insert the records you think necessary including your mail server's host name.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

On 08/27/16 10:47, Tom Browder wrote:
I do not control 3-octet networks but need reverse mapping for my mail server.

Two questions:

1. Where is the doc that completely describes the allowable reverse mapping zone file names?

2. When running my own authoritative name servers, do I need reverse mapping for anything other than my single mail server?


Best regards,


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