On 19.10.16 21:27, Alex wrote:
I have a bind-9.10.3 server on fedora22 that is authoritative for a
few domains and their corresponding IP ranges. I'd like to set up
another domain server (rbldnsd) on a host in one of those domains as a
forward-only server.

The problem appears to be that the queries from the local box to the
subdomain being managed by the rbldnsd server are being answered by
the local bind instead of being sent to the remote machine running

In other words, I believe the issue is that the host is already
authoritative for the reverse zone, so there would be no reason for it
to forward these queries to another system.

Mark already took care of first part of your post.

zone "96/" {
       type slave;
       file "slaves/db.104.104.66";
       masters {; };
       allow-query { any; };
       allow-transfer { trusted; };

I set up the reverse zone a long time ago, and I don't think the "zone
96/" is completely correct, but it appears
to work. I'm not sure if that's related to the problem, but would
appreciate advice there.

The domain 96/ is completely correct, however the
DNS clients must know they have to search for this domain.

Thus, you must ask your ISP to delegate part of
104.104.66.in-addr.arpa to your subdomain:

96/28   IN      NS      your.server.name.
96      IN      CNAME   96/28
97      IN      CNAME   97/28
111     IN      CNAME   111/28

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