On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 7:14 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>

> this is a public mailing list - so what!
> when someone don't yet get the connection between nameservers, webserver
> and ip-addresses he is not ready to connect public servers and that's
> completly independent of the fact you ra elike a statement or not - so get
> out of my sigt and keep your persnaol attacks for yourself, epsecially when
> you are *that* slow with your poisioning responses

Thats right, when someone calls you out for what you really are, you try
turn it around. truth hurts Reindl

you obviously did not know or understand the question, this does not mean
nobody else does, so you should shut your trolling trap and ignore the
post, and let someone who does know what they mean answer it. Its why youve
been kicked off just about every other technical/ASP lists on this planet.

and as slow for responses? I have a life, I enjoy weekends, I do not sit on
internet 20 hours a day like you try to because no one in their sane mind
could put up with you.
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