You all are probably aware of the plans for rolling the root dnssec key in 
2017.  ICANN is trying to ensure this goes smoothly and we are of course 
looking for ways ISC can help.

There is a draft blog post on the topic of the 2017 Root Key Rollover, kind of 
hidden on ISC’s web site here:
   We had to turn off comments on the web site because the spam was out of 
hand, but I welcome corrections, examples, or further suggestions from 
bind-users and will add them to the blog.

Towards the end of the blog, there is a short list of possible ‘corner cases’ 
that could trip people up during the rollover.  If you folks can think of 
others, please do share them.  ISC’s BIND test engineer, Curtis, is planning a 
thorough test of the BIND support for the root dnssec key rollover in 2017 Q1 
and he would appreciate any input into the test plan.

Please either post discussion here or unicast to 
<> or <>. 

Thank you,

Vicky Risk
Product Manager,

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