I think the ISP may have done something untoward with, since I'm getting a NODATA response for that name, 
from the 233.202.162.in-addr.arpa zone, most probably because it's an empty 
non-terminal. But what would be under that, and why?

                        - Kevin

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users [mailto:bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 3:55 PM
To: bind-us...@isc.org
Subject: Re: rDNS

You have the netblock (

When software performs a reverse lookup it constructs a DNS name from the 
address like  Now as the netblock is not a full 
/24 you either have to create 8 zones, one for each PTR record, or provide 
records at those names which map the lookups to new names.  The later is what 
has been done here.
The technique is described in RFC 2317.

ATT has delegated a zone for the first address in the address block to you.  
That zone is called  It has then added CNAME 
records to map lookups for the rest of the address in your address block into 
this zone.

e.g. CNAME

The zone should look like this.

$TTL 1h
@       SOA     ns1.archaxis.net. me.archaxis.net. (
                2017012002 ; Serial
                1h ; Refresh
                1h ; Retry
                4w ; Expire
                1h ) ; Negative cashing TTL
        NS ns1.archaxis.net.
        NS ns2.archaxis.net.
        PTR network.archaxis.net.
81      PTR alpha.archaxis.net.
82      PTR bravo.archaxis.net.
87      PTR broadcast.archaxis.net.

I increased the expire field to 4 weeks as it was way too small.
Note the reverse for is NOT mapped to a new name so the PTR 
record for that address is at the zone's apex.  As all the records had a TTL of 
1 hour I set the default TTL to that value and removed the per record setting 
of the TTL.  I also removed the class field as that is inherited from the 
zone's declaration.

Don't forget to bump the zones serial when you install it.

Once you have the above sorted out and have tested it.  You now need to slave 
the zone 233.202.162.in-addr.arpa as that contains the CNAME records.  ATT 
should allow you to transfer it.  If they don't find a ISP that knows what they 
are doing.  You need a local copy of the zone so that when you link goes down 
you can still do reverse lookups.

zone "233.202.162.in-addr.arpa" {
        type slave;
        masters {; };
        file "233.202.162.in-addr.arpa";


In message <20170120162146.ga14...@fantomas.sk>, Matus UHLAR - fantomas writes:
> On 20.01.17 09:57, Ron Wingfield wrote:
> >   I am having difficulty configuring reverse DNS. This has been a
> problem
> >   for over a year between my server(s) and my ISP, AT&T. Specifically, I
> >   cannot eMail to any recipient that requires rDNS verification, e.g.,
> >   SBCglobal.net, Comcast.net, or AOL. Very frustrating.
> >   . . .why shouldnt this point to my server, and not
> >   AT&Ts?
> because reverse domains are also tracked from the DNS root:
> 233.202.162.in-addr.arpa.     7200    IN      SOA     ns1.swbell.net.
> postmaster.swbell.net. 2016061700 10800 900 604800 3600
>  7200    IN      CNAME   
> >   I have coded my BIND 9 in-addr.arpa zone file as follows:
> >
> >   $ORIGIN 233.202.162.in-addr.arpa.
> stop defining $ORIGIN in zone file. the $ORIGIN is taken from named "zone"
> statement.
> According to those above you have to configure zone 
> and adk swbell.net to fetchit from you.
> >   $TTL 3h
> >   @ IN SOA ns1.archaxis.net. me.archaxis.net. (
> >    2017012002 ; Serial
> >    1h ; Refresh
> >    1h ; Retry
> >    1h ; Expire
> >    1h ) ; Negative cashing TTL
> >
> >    3600 IN NS ns1.archaxis.net.
> >    3600 IN NS ns2.archaxis.net.
> >
> >   80 3600 IN PTR network.archaxis.net.
> >   81 3600 IN PTR alpha.archaxis.net.
> >   82 3600 IN PTR bravo.archaxis.net.
> >   87 3600 IN PTR broadcast.archaxis.net.
> >
> >   What is wrong? Is this my problem, or with AT&T?
> --
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
> Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
> Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
> Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way.
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Mark Andrews, ISC
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