I'm having trouble using named-compilezone on a zone, and I was wondering if 
I'm doing something wrong or if perhaps I've found a bug (or two). I apologize 
in advance for the sanitizing of the zone name, but it's not my zone and I 
can't share it.

named-compilezone -i none -k ignore -o example.com.txt example.com 
dns_master_load: example.com.dns:6785: bad escape
dns_master_load: example.com.dns:6789: bad escape

Those lines are:

mhtswfw-dellfi01\342\200\223mgmt A
mhtswfw-dellfi02\342\200\223mgmt A

After pruning out those lines:

named-compilezone -i none -k ignore -o example.com.txt example.com 
example.com.dns:6: no TTL specified; using SOA MINTTL instead
example.com.dns:3556: TTL set to prior TTL (600)
zone example.com/IN: NS 'ausdc2k8amer21.example.com' has no address records (A 
or AAAA)
zone example.com/IN: NS 'ausdcx64amer07.example.com' has no address records (A 
or AAAA)
zone example.com/IN: NS 'ausdcx64amer08.example.com' has no address records (A 
or AAAA)
zone example.com/IN: NS 'ausdcx64amer09.example.com' has no address records (A 
or AAAA)
zone example.com/IN: NS 'ausdcx64amer10.example.com' has no address records (A 
or AAAA)
zone example.com/IN: not loaded due to errors.

There are NS records pointing to these names. The names belong to the zone I'm 
trying to compile. But the names are not defined. I would have expected that 
'-i none' would have allowed it to skip these errors. but it doesn't.

Chris Buxton
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