I understand what $ORIGIN is doing by reducing the typing and making it
easier to maintain the zone files.

To Tony, should I understand while using named-checkzone I need to enter
*only* the top domain and named-checkzone will understand the subdomains
defined by the multiple $ORIGIN in the zone file?


On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 9:18 AM, Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at> wrote:

> Bernard Fay <bernard....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I took control of a DNS based on Bind 9.9.  One of the zone files have
> > multiple $ORIGIN for example:
> The key thing to understand is that $ORIGIN just controls how unqualified
> domain names are expanded into fully-qualified domain names. In
> particular, $ORIGIN is completely independent of zone boundaries.
> So in the master file you sketched out,
> > $ORIGIN example.com
> > ...
> > $ORIGIN sub1.example.com
> > ...
> > $ORIGIN sub2.example.com
> > ...
> > $ORIGIN sub3.example.com
> > ...
> The person who wrote the file is using $ORIGIN in order to abbreviate
> unqualified names in subdomains, but the subdomains are all part of the
> same zone.
> The other thing to be aware of is that it is possible to write a zone file
> without any fuly-qualified names, which is why you have to specify the
> zone name when loading the file. (This feature is useful for empty zones,
> for example, but it's usually not a good idea for normal zones.) The zone
> name is used to set the default $ORIGIN and for the zone sanity checks.
> So, this works...
> > While checking the zone file with:
> > named-checkzone example.com example.com.zone
> > named-checkzone returns ok for the first $ORIGIN.
> ...because the zone name you specified on the command line matches the
> contents of the master file.
> However,
> > named-checkzone sub1.example.com example.com.zone
> > named-checkzone sub2.example.com example.com.zone
> > named-checkzone sub3.example.com example.com.zone
> > named-checkzone reports many "ignoring out-of-zone data (....example.com
> )"
> this doesn't make sense. The master file is one single whole complete
> zone. The subdomains are not separate zones, and you can't load or check
> part of the file.
> So the error message is saying that the SOA record and the apex NS records
> at example.com and loads of other records are not subdomains of the zone
> name that you gave on the commamnd line. I usually encounter this error
> when I have accidentally got my zone name and master file name muddled
> up, and once you get used to the error message it's a useful consistency
> check.
> Tony.
> --
> f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/  -  I xn--zr8h
> punycode
> Fitzroy: Southwesterly, veering northwesterly, 6 to gale 8, decreasing 5
> later
> in southwest. Moderate or rough. Rain at first. Moderate or good.
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