On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Jim Yang <z...@cornell.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the example below, when the length of bad.domain.com reaches 241
> bytes, named-checkconf reports the following error:
> “zone db.rpz.zone/IN: loading from master file db.rpz.zone failed: ran out
> of space
> _default/db.rpz.zone/IN: ran out of space”
> As per RFC1035, the DNS name maximum length is 255 bytes and each label
> length limit is 63 bytes.
> I wonder what is the maximum length for bad.domain.com in the RPZ zone?
> $ORIGIN rpz.example.com.
>       $TTL 1H
>       @               SOA LOCALHOST. named-mgr.example.com (1 1h 15m 30d
> 2h)
>                       NS  LOCALHOST.
>       ; QNAME policy records.
>       ; Note: There are no periods (.) after the (relativised) owner names.
> bad.domain.com      A      ; redirect to walled garden
>                           AAAA    2001:2::1
> Thanks,
> Jim

I just hit the same problem (we probably use the same block list source).
The actual DNS name is the combination of the ORIGIN and the entry:
which exceeds 255 characters including the trailing dot, most likely.

Bob Harold
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