On 09.07.17 14:36, Dario Corti wrote:
Hi, I occasionally have issues updating some packages, with the package manager saying that it cannot resolve deb.nodesource.com. I'm using 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u11 and I verified that a bind restart fixes the problem every time (even if technically the domain CAN be resolved also before the restart).


both checkers report errors...

I issued a dig before and after the restart and it does report something different, but I'm unable to understand it, so I wonder if anyone can suggest a possible reason for this.

Before: https://pastebin.com/7qZUmPKA
After: https://pastebin.com/U0DUhE20

i don't see any difference here, both cases report deb.nodesource.com to be
a CNAME to d2buw04m05mirl.cloudfront.net - maybe you should look up that one
next time problem appears.

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