On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 2:58 PM, John Miller <johnm...@brandeis.edu> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> You'll want to change your MX records to point to the name, rather
> than the IP, of your mail server.  Note that your MX target does _not_
> have to be in the same domain as the one it's serving mail for.  For
> example:
> X.TLD   IN   MX   10 mail.example.com.
> is perfectly valid, and quite common for people who don't host their own 
> e-mail.

Okay, but for now each domain will have its one mail server.

> If you give us some specific domain names that you're hosting for,
> we'll be able to help further.

Okay, I'll do that if necessary.

> Also, why the wildcard CNAME record?  It's definitely not essential to
> your example.

I believe it will be needed for my wild card TLS certificates.

> Finally, be _very_ careful about using the SPF qualifier "-all" to
> start out with.  What you're saying there is that the only server
> authorized to _send_ mail for X.TLD is the one listed in the MX.
> Unless people are always logging directly into the mail server to
> send, you're better off with "~all" or "?all" to begin with.

Good point, I'll change to "?all" instead.

Thanks, John.

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