Hoi Hika,

Saturday, September 2, 2017, 6:38:46 AM, you wrote:

> Hoi Reindl,

> Sorry if you feel insulted. It's the last thing I ment.
> I notice on regularly base missing messages.
> People just press reply and if the people on the list have not set up
> their account te set a reply to go to the list , it does not come to
> the list. Basic list etticets. Sorry

> Saturday, September 2, 2017, 6:17:12 AM, you wrote:

>> Am 02.09.2017 um 06:10 schrieb Hika van den Hoven:
>>> Hoi Reindl,
>>> Saturday, September 2, 2017, 6:05:11 AM, you wrote:
>>>> stop your fucking offlist copies IDIOT
>>> I do not know why you get so fucked up, but you are speaking your own
>>> name! ????

>> because i don't understand idiots which try to educate others about how
>> to use a maling-list when they are fucking too stupid to do it at their own

>> * your idiotic reply-all leads to *two* mails
>> * our mailserver deletes duplicates
>> * your off-list copy arrives first
>> * that one don#t contain list headers
>> * so thearding in mail-archives get broken because every response
>>    of me starts a new thread

>> and if you are not capable how to reply to a list JUST FUCK YORSELF BUT

> Tot mails,
>   Hika Alina Maria van den Hoven                            
> mailto:hika...@gmail.com

> "Zonder hoop kun je niet leven
> Zonder leven is er geen hoop
> Het eeuwige dilemma
> Zeker als je hoop moet vernietigen om te kunnen overleven!"

> De lerende Mens
> --

Tot mails,
  Hika Alina Maria van den Hoven                            

"Zonder hoop kun je niet leven
Zonder leven is er geen hoop
Het eeuwige dilemma
Zeker als je hoop moet vernietigen om te kunnen overleven!"

De lerende Mens

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