On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 07:02:52AM +0000, Harshith Mulky wrote:
> Whats wrong with my second $ORIGIN here:
> $ORIGIN lab.example.com.
> $TTL 1d
> @     IN      SOA     colombo root.lab.example.com.  (
>                                       2003022720 ; Serial
>                                       56800      ; Refresh
>                                       14400      ; Retry
>                                       3600000    ; Expire
>                                       2h )    ; Min
> ;NS Records
> @              IN      NS      ns1.lab.example.com.
> @              IN      NS      ns2.lab.example.com.
> mail           IN      NS      ns1.mail.lab.example.com

Missing a trailing period(.)

"ns1.mail.lab.example.com" is not an absolute
name. "ns1.mail.lab.example.com." is absolute.

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