You can certainly configure the subdomains that way, but the same resolver 
which followed the delegation in the first place, to your 
BIND instance, will presumably follow the delegation of (as it is published via NS records in the parent 
zone) to find the nameservers for that subzone, query them, and expect 
authoritative responses. Your forwarding config won't be used, by such a 
resolver, since it'll be sending you non-recursive (RD=0) queries, which are 
incompatible with forwarding.

Ultimately, the bottom line is that if the "leaf-node" data is not available in 
an authoritative form, then you can't use delegation alone to facilitate its 
resolution. You'd need to set up some sort of forwarding, possibly multi-hop 
forwarding, which is notorious for being fragile, inefficient and lacking in 

You mentioned in another post that the DNS data in question is for a cloud 
environment. My experience so far (primarily with AWS) is that these cloud 
providers don't understand how robust DNS enterprise architectures work. If 
they did, they would have offered authoritative, replicate-able DNS zone data 
as a basic service, straight out of the gate. Supposedly this "feature" is "on 
the roadmap" for AWS, but it seems to be a distant goal, with no particular 
priority. In the meantime, they are requiring their enterprise customers to 
sacrifice some of the reliability and performance we've built up in our DNS 
infrastructures over years (and, in some cases, decades), instead stringing 
together forwarding hierarchies and other nonsense like that.

(Editorial note: I originally got carried away at this point, explaining my 
model of how DNS is, conceptually, constructed -- authoritative core, inner 
iterative-resolution layer, outer recursive-resolution layer -- along with a 
diatribe about how poor/junior enterprise DNS architects try, with sub-optimal 
results, to build on recursive resolution as a foundation, because that's the 
only layer they really understand. But I don't want to put anyone to sleep, or 
fill up their mailboxes with walls of text, so I'll forego that for now, saving 
the text for some other day). 

May I ask: why would you put anything non-AD-related, of actual importance, in 
a *subdomain* of an Active Directory zone ? Maybe it's just a matter of 
perspective, but I see Active Directory as just one service we run in our 
enterprise, among many. So, while it gets its own namespace, it doesn't get to 
control the *main* namespace -- certainly, we would never put anything 
non-AD-related *underneath* an AD zone. Granted, I don't know your 
organization's structure, internal politics, history, etc. But it just seems 
rather odd to me that you're delegating stuff from an AD zone. I view such 
namespaces as "leaves", not "branches".

                - Kevin

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 3:45 AM
Subject: RE: Forwarding from delegated zone not working

Thanks Kevin

That is what I suspected. If I make the delegated server the master/slave for 
the sub-domain that has been delegated, could I then set up forward zones for 
further sub-domains? i.e (delegated domain set as master zone) (forward zone)


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