Hello, I recently migrated our internal DNS service to a newer OS and Bind.  
Bind 9.9.4 on CentOS7.  

The previous service had a dataset that was in really bad shape and I did a lot 
of cleanup for the migration.  Unfortunately there were a few records I dropped 
that I should not have, but it's hard to figure out which until someone 

I am interested in capturing queries that fail, return a NXDOMAIN to the client 
in other words.

I have two logging categories setup "queries" and "query-errors", both going to 
separate logs.

The problem is that the logs do not log what I am interested in.  The queries 
log, logs every query, the query-errors log supposedly only logs a SERVFAIL.

Does anyone know if it is possible to get what I want from the DNS server?

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