Oh I am sorry will give you the ixfr statement soon since I do not have
access to that server right now. BTW on the slave dumped zones are not in a
readable format I believe those are kinda of mapping? This is Ubuntu
machine; never have tried with any other flavor.

On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 9:13 PM, /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:

> On Sat, May 05, 2018 at 03:52:16PM +0530, Blason R wrote:
> > Since I am building Master/slave RPZ for my organization I do have
> > couple of queries.
> >
> >
> >    1. My ixfr is not working as soon as I remove the statement it
> >    works fine
> Remove WHAT statement?  No data, no useful answer.
> >    2. Do I need to create files at secondary server? or will those
> >    be created automatically?
> Assuming the EUID/EGID running named (see if you're using -u) has
> write privilege in the specified file location, they will be created.
> Offer void where taxed or prohibited, or where you have shot yourself
> in the foot using SELinux or similar.
> >    3. I guess I always need to change the serial number whenever I
> >    am performing changes; is there any automated way to do that?
> You can use dynamic updates with nsupdate(8) or other RFC 2136
> updating client.  See "Dynamic updates" section of ARM chapter 4;
> also look for articles at the ISC KB: https://kb.isc.org/
> >    4. And is there any authentication method between master/slave?
> TSIG signatures can be used.  This is also covered in ARM chapter 4,
> and I recommend using the HTML version, because it hyperlinks to
> relevant syntax documentation in chapter 6.  And again, see the KB.
> TSIG can be used for any form of query, including the notify sent
> from master to slave[s].  See the section in ARM chapter 6, on
> "server Statement Grammar".
> --
>   http://rob0.nodns4.us/
>   Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:
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