On 07/04/2018 04:00 PM, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
On 04/07/2018 15:50, Blason R wrote:

Hi There,

I am not getting appropriate results for my custom daily logrorate for
bind9 logs on Ubuntu.

It's more useful if you show us your logrotate snippet, so we can point
out what is wrong with it.

Can someone please help me with the settings which would include below

    1. Should rotate daily


    2. Compress


    3. create new file

Usually not needed, because BIND creates the log file itself.

    4. keep last 180 entries

rotate 180

Do I need stop bind9 while logs are being rotated? What is the correct
procedure to start logs in new file?

You don't have to stop BIND to rotate log files. Instead, you just run
"rndc reconfig" and that causes BIND to reopen its log files. If it
finds that the files have been moved (by logrotate) it will create new
log files.
...or you use "copytruncate", so the file will be copied and the other stuff (compress, rotate 180, etc..) and then truncated, so BIND has still the same filedescriptors open, but the logfile is rotated :-). This way, you don't need to "rndc reconfig".
Kind regards,

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