On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 07:21:49PM -0400, Dennis Clarke wrote:
> I see these results :
> I:System test result summary:
> I:   7 FAIL
> I:  69 PASS
> I:   4 SKIPPED
> I:The following system tests failed:
> I:      autosign
> I:      catz
> I:      dnssec
> I:      filter-aaaa
> I:      legacy
> I:      mkeys
> I:      staticstub
> This is on Solaris 10 sparc and using the Oracle Studio 12.6 tools as
>  well as OpenSSL 1.1.1 which passes all tests.
> Is there a way to dig out more information from these failures?

Each of the above are sub-directories in bin/tests/system, one per
system test. Within these, you'll have sub-directories named "ns<N>"
(where N is a digit). Within these, you'll typically have files with the
name "named.run" which is the debug logging output of a named process
that was run during the system test.

Looking into these log files will reveal why the tests failed (other
than the messages logged by the test script itself). It's not for the
faint-of-heart and you have to be well-versed with BIND to understand
and debug issues if the system tests themselves are failing for anything
but trivial failures.

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