
After querying my resolver for "testbla11.example.com", I receive a NXDOMAIN response with a minimum-ttl (in the soa) of 3600. When I afterwards dump the cache of my resolver (9.12.2-P1) with "rndc dumpdb" and look for the negative ttl, then a value much bigger than 3600 is shown (608363):
# grep testbla /var/named/data/named_dump.db
testbla11.example.com.  608363  \-ANY   ;-$NXDOMAIN

This number decrements every second.

What is this number? The same behavior for positive answers too. The A-record for "www.google.com" has a TTL for 300 seconds. In the "rndc dumpdb"-output I have a value for 605082.

Any hints?
Thank you.

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