On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 11:44:11AM -0500, Lee wrote:
> > It's an interaction between RPZ and aggressive negative caching (i.e.
> > "synth-from-dnssec"). It's fixed in the upcoming release.
> I should have asked which upcoming release?  It's still happening in 9.11.5:

I'm sorry, I should have asked you what version you were running. That log
message was appearing frequently in 9.12 because of the synth-from-dnssec
feature -- we had a couple of bug reports about it in a row, and I assumed
it was the same thing when you asked about it.

Since synth-from-dnssec doesn't exist in 9.11, there must be another cause
in your case. Very sorry for misleading you. How often are you seeing this?

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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