
I'm trying to find a viable solution to my use case. Here is the context :

- Site 1 : ISC DHCP + ISC Bind and dynamic updates for example.net

Here, example.net is authoritative with views for different query sources.

There are plans to add a new site (Site 2) and probably a third (Site 3) which must be functioning independently so they'll both feature ISC DHCP + ISC Bind for their needs.

They must use example.net domain (ie: host1.example.net, etc, etc) and can not use subdomains (stupid licensing issues on business software)

Each site will only deal with local information in their DNS like only the local workstations and printers.

All sites will have a VPN connection to the main site (Site 1) because there are a number of centralized services that can not be distributed (ie: the main business software) so a host in Site 2 will want to connect to "app.example.net" residing at Site 1.

What I would like to have is some kind of selective forwarding like this :

- Each site have its own "example.net" zone for the DHCP dyn DNS

- If some host queries xxx.example.net via its local DNS server, try to resolve it locally. If not found, forward the query to "Site 1" DNS server which probably have the right answer.

What I'm trying to achieve :

1/ All sites work independently of each other.

2/ Each DNS server have it's own records which are unique among all sites of course

3/ If the main site (Site 1) is down, only the centralized services are unavailable to the other sites

3/ Each time I add a new record in Site 1 DNS server, I don't need to replicate this record to all other sites to make it known.

Is such a DNS configuration possible ?

Thank you for any advice.

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