N. Max Pierson <nmaxpier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Under Incoming Requests it has QUERY's among some other stats. Is this
> the total queries across all zones? If it is, it doesn't seem to add up
> to what the total of each zone added together in the per zone stats.

Hmm, good question. I suspected it might be something to do with REFUSED
queries for zones that you are not authoritative for, but that doesn't add
up for me either, because my server sent a lot more refused responses than
the difference between its overall query count and the zone query

awk '
        /queries received/ {
                if (n < 2) { server += $1 }
                else { zones += $1 }
                n += 1;
        /REFUSED/ { refused = $1 }
        END {
                printf "server %d\n", server;
                printf "zones %d\n", zones;
                printf "difference %d\n", server - zones;
                printf "refused %d\n", refused;
' named.stats

server 141242445
zones 141221559
difference 20886
refused 364380

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Cape Wrath to Rattray Head including Orkney: Westerly 5 to 7, occasionally
gale 8 at first in north, becoming variable 3 or 4, then cyclonic 5 to 7
later. Slight or moderate in east, moderate or rough, occasionally very rough
in north. Showers then rain. Good, becoming moderate or poor.
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    • Re: RNDC Stats Tony Finch

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