On 29/01/2019 09:19, ObNox wrote:

Following a previous thread (ie: "Selective forwarding?"), I've started to work on a multi-server configuration within 3 sites consisting of a primary at Site1 and secondaries at Site2/3. All sites will have DHCP servers with DDNS enabled. The secondaries will forward the DDNS updates to the primary. That is the ultimate goal.

Final follow up on this matter : I finally found time to work seriously on this project and everything works perfectly fine on the sandbox test environment.

I now have a master/primary simulating Site1 and a slave/secondary simulating Site2. Transfers use TSIG keys and both have local DHCP servers, each with a different TSIG key. Site1 DHCP updates the master/primary and Site2 DHCP updates the slave/secondary which in turn forwards the update to the master/primary.

Everything works perfectly and I've also simulated network breakage to see what happens then and also when network connectivity comes back. master/primary and slave/secondary constantly try to reach each other according to the logs and when they succeed, transfers are correctly made in order to get accurate data on both sides.

Everything works perfectly, I'm quite happy! Thanks everyone for all the advices, tips and ideas.

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