On 3/17/19 10:43 PM, Grant Taylor via bind-users wrote:
> On 3/17/19 6:31 PM, Alan Clegg wrote:
>> The change was an unintended consequence ending up in what was thought
>> to have been the correct behavior all along, so.. Yes.
>> How many zones are you authoritative for?

> I think most people on this list have forgotten how to count as low as
> the number of zones that I am authoritative for.

Let me say that I didn't mean to disparage or discount small operators.
 I'm purely gathering data.  I personally have 10 zones that I am
authoritative for on 2 BIND instances, so I'm fighting the "small
operator" fight right along with everyone else.

Having said that, my $DAYJOB revolves (just a bit) around doing
BIND/DHCP stuff all day long, so I may have a leg up on being able to
twiddle with my configurations a bit more.  ;-)

Thanks for your input and I do agree that there will be people bitten by
this - it's now being discussed as to how to deal with this (both short-
and long-term).

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