Trying to update some DNS under a relatively newly installed bin 9.14 with 

I have a file admin.key that looks basically like this:
key "rndc-key" {
       algorithm hmac-sha256;
       secret "SECRETSTUFF=";

This is the same key block that is in named.conf. I am launching NSLOOKUP with 
-k admin.key, but when I try to make a change and then "send", I get "update 
failed: REFUSED."

Is this not the key that is wanted? It appears to be the only key I have. Do I 
need to change to some different key type for bind 9.14, or am I forgetting 
something else.

I did make some changes to the DNS back in 9/12 several months ago, and I don't 
recall having to even provide the key then.

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they break the hearts of kith and kin, And they roam the world at will.

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