> Thank you for your most helpful advice.  On Centos 7, I have easily managed
> to build the non-scl packages using the following method starting with a
> default Centos 7 (I was using Linode) logged in as root:-
> (...)
> However, my luck is not quite as good with Centos 6 where my method is
> similar:-
> (...)
> but the rpmbuild fails due to a couple of missing dependencies:-
> (...)

What you are observing is one of the reasons we decided to provide our
own packages - namely, that building BIND with dnstap support on a
platform which does not readily supply all relevant build requirements
is a bit of a pain in the neck.  The reason your CentOS 7 build
succeeded is that EPEL 7 contains the required build dependencies for
dnstap support in BIND; EPEL 6 lacks these and thus the build fails.

> Thus far, I have failed on Centos 6 to identify how or where to install
> these two depedencies, for which I would ideally like a package rather than
> compiling from source.

You have two options here:

  - build without dnstap support, by using "--without dnstap",

  - make the build requirements available in the build environment, most
    likely by first building them from source as well (you can use the
    SRPMs in our Coprs for convenience), in this order:

     1. libevent
     2. fstrm
     3. protobuf
     4. protobuf-c

> I have tried (what I thought was obvious) of
> installing the current Centos 6 Copr packages on the build machine, but
> that did not assist.

The development packages in our Coprs can only be used for building a
Software Collection [1].  Thus, installing them as they are will not
allow you to compile a non-SCL version of BIND with dnstap support.

Hope this helps!

[1]: unless you rebuild them using "--without scl", of course

Best regards,
Michał Kępień
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