On Fri, 2019-06-14 at 10:05 +0000, John Horne wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-06-14 at 08:53 +0100, Pete Fry via bind-users wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > versions:
> > BIND 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-74.el7_6.1 (Extended Support Version)
> > CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
> >
> > We are having a problem on our masters that have large zone files (around
> > 5MB) are failing to be loaded on our slaves.
> >
> > after some investigation
> >
> > we can perform the following commands whilst local on the master
> >
> > dig @localhost ZONE axfr
> >
> > and the command performs and exits successfully
> >
> > however if you fun dig @IP.OF.MASTER ZONE axfr from a machine on the same
> > subnet the zone starts to transfer and then hangs at certain points around
> > 150k bytes give or take and fails to complete.
> >
> Hello,
> We have had the same problem on CentOS 7 servers after a recent bind yum
> update. For the moment we have downgraded BIND back to
> bind-9.9.4-73.el7_6.x86_64 and the zone transfers are working again.

Looking a bit further into this, as far as I can tell the only difference
between version '9.9.4-73' and '9.9.4-74' is a fix for CVE-2018-5743 which
relates to TCP clients.

It's a bit confusing as we do set a limit for the TCP clients to 250. However,
the server sending the zone and the client requesting it are both lightly
loaded, and rndc shows that we are nowhere near the TCP limit on either server.

Also confusing, for me at least, is that we do log zone transfers, but usually
at a channel severity of 'info'. I changed this to dynamic, and controlled the
debug level using rndc. If I set the debug level to 9 then the transfer works.
Anything less than 9 and it fails.

It seems that the TCP connection is being lost for some reason, as the log file
(at a low debug level) shows the AXFR starting a few times. Each start
corresponds to when the transfer seems to hang. On the client side it shows the
connection as having timed out.


John Horne | Senior Operations Analyst | Technology and Information Services
University of Plymouth | Drake Circus | Plymouth | Devon | PL4 8AA | UK

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