>> We did recently start setting up another site, Cloudsmith.io, for
>> some of our packages. We need a site we can control for non-public
>> stuff, like the BIND subscription edition, and private patches, and
>> Cloudsmith allows us to put packages for multiple different OSes in
>> one repo.  I need to find out whether we plan to continue updating
>> the COPR site or not.  I think we do,(because of course it is easier
>> to ‘find’ than Cloudsmith) but we haven’t discussed it explicitly.
> Which makes it sound like the future of the COPR distribution isn't yet 
> clear. This is a pretty important topic to us, and I'd welcome any 
> information you can offer. I'm not trying to drive your product offerings, 
> just trying to divine which way the wind is blowing.
> From my perspective, I'm quite pleased with how the COPR distribution is 
> working out. It was only a little bit of work to make the "software 
> collection" concept meet our needs, and I'd dearly like to be able to 
> consider it stable.

Thanks for that feedback. I have a clarification. 

ISC plans to continue updating the ISC BIND 9 packages on COPR and Launchpad 
for the forseeable future. You should consider those to be stable and 

We are ALSO putting packages for Debian up on Cloudsmith.io, because Debian 
doesn’t provide a repo like COPR or Launchpad for projects to update their own 
packages. The ISC Debian packages on Cloudsmith.io use the same configuration 
as the official Debian packages, but are updated more frequently than the 
official Debian packages.  So, if you are looking for fresher Debian packages, 
or for packages for the development and current stable branches of BIND 9, you 
might try the ones on Cloudsmith. (https://cloudsmith.io/~isc/repos/)

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