On 2019/09/23 23:00, John W. Blue wrote:


Some odds n ends in no particular order:

1. DNSSEC was designed for external zones

1) I'd also suggest using Algorithm 13 - Elliptical Curve - for any new key creations....

dnssec-keygen -a ECDSAP256SHA256 ( -f KSK) Zone.being.signed

This way - DNSKEY's are shorter (query responses are shorter, save data) so in a DNS Amplification attack - you are less lightly to be the source of the amplification.

In your DNSSEC Authoritative Nameserver, add into your BIND config (named.conf) :-

|options { directory "/var/named"; ... rate-limit { responses-per-second 10; }; }; |

The "rate-limit" should also help dissuade people from using you as a source of amplification. (@BIND) This perhaps should be the default behaviour for an authoritative only config.

2) When a Zone is signed, you will be given some DS Records - which need to be passed on for inclusion into the Parent Zone. Currently, BIND creates two DS keys. You'll find them inside "dsset-Zone.being.signed". Use just the "13 2" version - SHA256....  (this needs to become the minimum default behaviour by DNSSEC operators) SHA384 Digests may break DNSSEC in some resolvers (unbound) - so perhaps avoid for now. Not everyone has upgraded.

3) Adding "CDS" (Child versions of the DS record) into your zone is also a useful thing to do (I *think* BIND may do this automagically?)

4) Keeping DNSSEC aware resolvers and DNSSEC authoritative Nameservers separate is best practise - follow that. Configs will then be more simple.

Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
m...@posix.co.za       Tel: +27.128070590  Cell: +27.826010496
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