Thank you for the obvious suggestion, Mark. It hadn't occurred to me that a yum update might have clobbered my existing permissions.

Sure enough, there it was -
  755 root:root /var/opt/isc/isc-bind/log/
Everything in that directory was still -
  644 named:named
but the user "named" was unable to create anything new

Looking at my installation notes from earlier this year, I found the following:
Adjust the log directory permissions. chown named:named /var/opt/isc/isc-bind/log
chmod 775 /var/opt/isc/isc-bind/log

I have re-applied that permission change, and things are happy again. Which brings me to two follow-up questions.

A) Should I expect these file permissions be altered by a minor update? I know I started at 9.11.8 and have updated to 9.11.9 and 9.11.10 without seeing this behavior.

B) Should I not be logging to /var/opt/isc/isc-bind/log?
The log path in my named.conf is currently set to a relative path "../../log/query.log", but I could easily change it to an absolute path "/var/log/named/query.log"

   Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
Department of Administration
State of Alaska

On 11/18/2019 6:49 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
There have been no changes. I would be checking directory permissions. Anything 
that would
stop rename() succeeding.
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