On 2019-12-16 13:13, Roberto Carna wrote:
I have a primary and a secondary BIND9 DNS servers, working as master
/ slave with zone transfers between them.

Primary/master and secondary/slave are concepts which apply only to
authoritative servers, and in this case you are talking about these
servers acting as resolvers, not authoritative.

I have several Linux machines (desktops and servers) with Debian and

I've realized, using TCPDUMP at DNS1 and DNS2, that all DNS queries
from Linux machines go to both DNS1 and DNS2 BIND servers at the same

In all Linux machines we have setup the DNS resolution using

And resolv.conf is not an ISC BIND thing.  In GNU/Linux it's usually
GNU glibc which uses that file.

nameserver IP_dns1
nameserver IP_dns2

But when the from Linux clients I execute:

$ host <some_fqdn>

I can see UDP traffic arriving to DNS1 and DNS2 at the same time.

What can be the problem ?

I'm not sure I would see that as a problem, although you might want to
simplify and use only a single resolver IP address.  If your site is
big enough to need two or more resolvers, use an anycast address.  For
example, Google's is a large farm of nameservers distributed
throughout the world.

Because I expect only DNS traffic going to
DNS1 because it is before DNS2 in /etc/resolv.conf.

GNU glibc does have documentation, starting with the resolv.conf(5)
manual.  I'm not sure if there is a specific mailing list or forum to
discuss it, however.
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