Dear Ondrej,

I would be delighted to assist with a core dump.

However, not being a developer myself (I did do an amount of assembler work
in my youth, but that was long ago now!), I therefore do not know how to
get you "a coredump using gdb and tar it with associated binary and

Do you have any step by step instructions for a novice to achieve this?
The machine is running Centos 7, and Bind is built using rpmbuild from the
source rpm provided by ISC.

With many thanks.

Best wishes,
>From: Ond?ej Surý <>
>To: Matthew Richardson <>
>Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 07:16:49 +0100
>Subject: Re: Bind 9.11.13 - inline re-signing stops

>thank you for the report. Indeed, we have received some more reports about 
>this particular issue and we are currently investigating it.
>We would appreciate if anybody who encounters the problem could dump the core 
>first before restarting the named, so we have more evidence to analyze.

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